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Born among the wheat fields in Walla Walla, Washington in 2012, Water Buffalo Brewery showcases the best of Northwest ingredients in old-world inspired brews.

Meet the Brewer

rossi beer cheers
photo credit: Greg Lehman

Michael Rossi, known as “Rossi,” began brewing with friends in 2002 while working at an outdoor education school in the San Bernardino Mountains of Southern California. He moved to Walla Walla in 2008 to work in the wine industry but continued to perfect his homebrewing. In 2011 he and his wife purchased property in Walla Walla County so that they could live and brew commercially in the same place.

Rossi specializes in Belgian and English style ales. With fifteen years brewing experience, he continues to brew classic favorites like the CDL IPA series, Darby Red, and Coal Miner’s Porter, and is always experimenting with new flavors.

Most recently, Rossi explored new local flavor options such as Lot #04, a homegrown special. This beer features local wheat from H.T. Rea Farms malted by local Mainstem Malt. The trio of locally grown, locally malted, and locally fermented beer makes a triple crown of sudsy delight. This summer, his 24 Carrot Golden Ale included 24 pounds of local Hayshaker Farm carrots per barrel and a light-handed hop profile to bring a mild spice character to this creamy-finish optometrist’s favorite.

Why Water Buffalo?

water buffalo stock photoThey’re the brewer’s favorite animal. He’s spent a lot of time working on farms with the water buffalo and grew to deeply appreciate the animals and their docile manners.